Specialized Services


RGA strives to seek out emerging technology.  

Aerial Imaging System  - AIS


 * Precision Images * Aerial Photography


· Provides digital images, standard film, or video taped media

· Capture full 360 degree view on video or still image

· Zoom capabilities for detailed imagery

· Level or oblique images from unique vantage points

· Digital images can be burned to a CD or enlarged for print media

· Digital images can be graphically enhanced to show improvements




What can AIS do for you!


· Photograph potential and completed development areas

· Obtain views from many locations to roadways

· Observe and photograph traffic patterns along intersections, roundabouts, parking lots

· Assess peak hour traffic conditions

· Assess feasibility of a development project

· Inspection and inventory services

· Eliminate bucket truck utilization

· Provides ability to view inaccessible areas


Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc.

Traffic Engineering Consultants

Copyright (c) 2009 Richard Garcia & Associates, All Rights Reserved

Web Designer: Alejandro Varela

Updated:   Carlos Valentin 

“Serving South Florida with Innovation & Excellence”